Thursday, July 12, 2012

Miss Washington Week: Day 7 – Final Competition, Backstage Madness, My Thoughts on the Results & My Pageant Future

Exhausted from the night before, Saturday morning came all too early for us ladies.  One of the difficult things about being “royalty” that I think many may underestimate (I know I did before taking on this role), is the need to continuously be presentable.  And as was Saturday morning: going on 5 hours of sleep, we are all “hair and makeup-ed out” from the week, and we all have to be at our very best that night for competition, but yet we still got ourselves up extra early and made ourselves pretty once again.

After a morning rehearsal at the theater for some cleaning up of the opening dance number, and some last minute instruction on where to stand for the various awards, we headed back to the hotel for one of my personal highlights of the week: the Miss Washington Alumni Luncheon.  The Miss Washington Alumni Luncheon is a time for all of the previous Miss Washingtons (who fly in from all over the country) to gather and share about where their lives are now, and how their year as Miss Washington helped shape them.  While this may not sound all too thrilling, in fact it was a time of great enlightenment and inspiration for me personally.  Former Miss Washingtons have gone on to do absolutely amazing things with their lives (doctors, lawyers, performers, teachers), and seeing their continued bond with one another, and hearing of how grateful they continue to be for what their year as Miss Washington did for them, truly demonstrated to me what this program is all about!  And what better note than that to go into the final night with?!

With Dr. Allison Porter, Miss Washington 2004.  Allison is currently in her third year of general surgery residency, and was one of only two other medical students to ever run in Miss Washington.

After mingling with the former Miss Washingtons, the 22 of us ladies headed up to our rooms for last minute preparation before we departed for the theater one last time…for the final competition.  While most of the contestants scurried about with all-consuming anxiety, nervous about whether they would be called into the Top Ten or not, I was filled with an overwhelming peace.  With growing realization of just how poorly my interview had gone (read here for details on the interview), I knew that there was little chance I had made the Top Ten.  But rather than be upset, I had a great calm knowing that I could be proud of how far I had come, and the way I had represented myself, Moses Lake and my Lord throughout the competition.  (You can read my thoughts during this time here.)

You see, just two years ago, I was an over-weight and self-conscious individual who would have never dreamed of walking across the stage for anything other than purely academic reasons (I was valedictorian and the commencement speaker at Western Washington University’s graduation June 2011).  Then, fears conquered and a large amount of weight lost, as the newly crowned Miss Moses Lake four months ago, I claimed that I could give an interview and play piano, but anything with regards to stage presentation (walk, hair, makeup, stance), you could count me out.  BUT, a huge amount of work later, it was a strangely satisfying coincidence that the one portion of competition I felt I had failed at, had nothing to do with the stage!  In fact, looking back now, if I were to choose one area of competition to fail at, make it the one single area that I already know for myself that I can conquer!  I already know I can interview (on any other given day)!  But to feel good about, and receive outright compliments from complete strangers, on every single other area of competition….those that I had been a complete embarrassment in at one point….showed me just how far I have come, and just how much this program and my mentors have done for me!  I was now a graceful, presentable woman on the stage, with a very competitive level of fitness, and I had EVEN overcome the anxiety attack in dress rehearsal to successfully make it through my piano piece!  For me, personally, I had reached SUCCESS!!!

Backstage, getting ready for the show.

At the theater, I continued to have a great peace as I got ready.  Where the night before I had anxiously shoved earbuds into my ears, this night I calmly got myself ready, and took the time to chat and pray with any contestant who seemed open to such.  Once again we gathered on the stage and waited for the curtains to part.  And when they finally did, OH MY GOODNESS was the theater moving!!!!  Every single seat had been sold (plus some), and not only were they filled, but they were filled with some incredibly energetic and excited fans!  When my name was announced, I could hear my personal section, filled with my friends and family, and I beamed with pride and appreciation for each of them! Top Ten or not, this was my time to shine!
Following the opening dance number and introductions, each of us 22 ladies found our spots on the risers and prepared for the academic award, service award, Top Ten and top non-finalist talent (in this order) to be announced.  Standing there, I decided I would be just fine to not make Top Ten, so long as I was called out for one of the others: presumably the academic (which many thought I was a shoe in for) or service awards.  But when Miss East Cascades, Connie Morgan, was called for the academic award (very deserving, I might add, even if I was temporarily jealous ;) ), and Miss Eastside, Mandy Schendel, for the service award, I was admittedly disappointed.  And then one by one the Top Ten were called out: Brittany Cozza (Inland Empire), Ramya Ramanathan (Evergreen), Daniela Ferrell (Northwest), Alexandria Henderson (Pierce County), Jean Sun Hannah Ahn (Seattle), Kara Jo Morris (Puget Sound), Kenzi Novell (Spokane), Mandy Schendel (Eastside), Catherine Watters (C.B.) and Reina Alece (Yakima County).

Just as I had predicted, I was not one of them.  I stood there, taking a deep breath, ready to quickly exit the stage in order to collect myself.  But then, my name was being called.  I stood there confused for a second, as surely it was not for my anxiety-ridden piano performance that I had completely botched in dress rehearsals!  But sure enough it was!!  Contestant number 5, Miss Moses Lake Analiesse Isherwood was the winner of the non-finalist top talent award, and was going to be coming back out on stage in just a few minutes to perform her solo piano piece for the sold out audience!

Coming forward to accept my Top Talent award.

I was, as instructed, the first one to exit stage, and had the amazing Ladies Director, Patti Belik, waiting to personally escort me.  I began to shake with instantaneous anxiety!  I couldn’t do this!!  I had made a fool of myself in dress rehearsal with an anxiety attack, and then only with a half hour of the song blasting in my ears and singing my way through the piece had I made it through the night before.  But I was going onstage IMMEDIATELY!!  Patti and another hostess helped me quickly change into my piano gown, and I whipped my hair up with a clip (not enough time to fix it as I normally do).  I tried to bend over to put my shoes on, but was shaking so much I fell to the ground!  How was I supposed to perform?!  My shoes were put on for me, I grabbed my ear buds (no time to review sheet music!), and ran to the stage door!  As I made my way to the stage, I passed the other non-finalists who had broken down into exhausted and frustrated tears!  Oh how I wanted to join them!  But there was no time…no time to comfort or to feel the frustration for myself!  It was then that it occurred to me.  The Lord had given me peace for a reason!!  I went into the final night knowing that I would not make Top Ten, giving me the calm and mental-with-it (kind of) to keep it together long enough to perform one last time!!  And this was my time to shine!!

Playing "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt
As I walked out onto stage, I could hear my family and friends cheering for me, and I was suddenly very thankful that I had this last opportunity to perform for them.  I sat down on the piano bench, still nervous, and heard a baby cry out from the audience.  I laughed and nodded in agreement with the child’s sentiment, and with that had the audience genuinely laughing with me.  I began to play, and made a few mistakes, but about half way through the piece realized that the judges and audience were no longer judging me; this was purely my chance to play my heart out for me!  And with that I took off into the song and played it better than I ever have in front of an audience!  I re-claimed the piece in that moment….for ME!  And when I was done, I had one of the largest applauses of the night!  I had done it; I had shown the audience, the judges, and myself that I truly could take to the stage on the piano!

Soaking in the support of the audience following my performance.

The moment I returned backstage, I could finally let it out.  With a stifled deep breath, I took to the sides of the other non-finalists to encourage and comfort.  When I was done there, I was able to return back to the dressing room (of course, downing a few very unhealthy snacks on the way given I no longer had to worry about fitness onstage), and helped the finalists whip in and out of their gowns for the various phases of competition.

With the night nearly over, the Top Ten were whittled down to the Top Five.  And the Top Five were then giving their on-stage interviews.  The remainder of the contestants hushed one another and pressed themselves up tight against the backstage speaker in order to hear the responses of the Top Five to their individual questions (the questions given the final evening were much more difficult than the previous evening).   

The scene on-stage during the Top Five On-Stage Interview.

The scene backstage during the Top Five On-Stage Interview.

When the Top Five returned backstage, emotions were high on all levels.  Some were thrilled and shocked they had made the Top Five, and others may have anticipated placement in the Top Five and were truly hoping with all they had that they would be named the next Miss Washington.

  Four of the Top Five nervous in waiting for the final results!!!

 As the contestants all took to the stage one last time, we held hands tight as we anticipated who would be our next representative.  And then they were called:

                4th Runner Up: Miss Pierce County, Alexandria Henderson!

                3rd Runner Up:Miss Northwest, Daniela Ferrell!

                2nd Runner Up: Miss Inland Empire, Brittany Cozza!

The final two!  Reina and Mandy!!

                And then the final two stood there, clasping hands; each of the other contestants silently pleading for their pick of the two to be called out.  And there it was, “And the first runner up is Miss Yakima County, Reina Alece, making your new Miss Washington 2012, Miss Eastside, Mandy Schendel!!”

Mandy Schendel being crowned Miss Washington 2012!!

                The audience thundered, tears flowed and flowers flew, and with that we had our new representative for the year!

                After greeting a few dear friends at the front of the stage (love ya, Shannon!!), we returned backstage to grab the last of our belongings and loaded the bus for the Awards Ball, to be held at a formal reception hall in downtown Seattle.  There on the bus, emotions flowed.

                As for myself, I am thrilled for Mandy!!  Mandy and I were crowned together at Miss Moses Lake, back in March, and since then I have had the great privilege of attending a few appearances with her (including the baseball season opening parade in Moses Lake), and have had private meals and conversation with her.  Going into Miss Washington week, I had a very high opinion of Mandy, and have counted myself a “fan” of hers for quite some time (I even jokingly claimed “president” of her fan club back a couple months ago).  But, no matter who is named to a title, I believe there will always be someone frustrated.  It is simply my prayer that those frustrated will put away their hurt, and put their full energy into support behind Mandy in order to give her the chance to shine in the way I know she can and will.  I have no doubt she will make us ALL proud, both through her year of service, and on the Miss America stage in January 2013!!

                And as for Reina?  The other of the final two standing?  I truly, truly, TRULY hope, with all that I am, that she returns to the Miss Washington stage in one of the coming years (age wise she is 20, and has until she is 24 to run), and takes home the title!  And if this is something she decides that she wants, I have little doubt that it will happen exactly this way!!  In the meantime, she has the great honor of representing Washington State at the American Sweetheart pageant (intended for the first runner up in every state) in Illinois this coming August!!

                At the Awards Ball, my father was a wonderful escort (thank you, Dadddy!), and we all chowed down on delicious food and danced to live music well into the early morning hours!

Dancing at the Awards Ball!!
With my Daddy at the Awards Ball, my Top Talent award in hand!!

Thank you, again, to all of the amazing, amazing people who have played a part in this journey.  In unpacking my MANY pieces of luggage, I made a very large pile of all the items I borrowed and need to return to others, and the pile simply acts as a loving reminder of just how many people aided in my journey.  From the wisdom and ears of friends; to the person who inspired me to give Miss Moses Lake a try; to the coaching and support of sponsors and local directors; to those who selflessly offered their closets as mine; to my church for offering up their building and piano to me on numerous occasions; to those who left gifts and notes of support throughout the week, via e-mail, text, Facebook or written; to my friends and family who came from near and (VERY) far to support me in person; to the MANY INCREDIBLE directors, hostesses, sponsors, photographers and volunteers who put their heart and soul into making the state pageant possible at no cost to the contestant; AND to the 21 other incredible ladies who so graciously made their way through this journey with me.  To each and every one of you: THANK YOU!

 I have learned an incredible amount about myself and about life, have grown leaps and bounds in personal poise and presentation, have earned scholarship dollars, and have made life-long friends.  And this has been a journey I shall never forget, nor regret!   

As for me, for now?  Never in my life have I been so excited to continue on in my path of service to others, or to become a doctor in just three short years!!!!  And as for another attempt at Miss Washington, as so many have asked me to consider?  We’ll just have to wait and see what the Lord has in store ;)!

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