Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coming Up for Air

Sigh!  What a beautiful day!  Could spring truly be here...finally?!?!  Snow last week and sun so bright I needed sun glasses today!

With only four more weeks left in the school year, the course schedule recently turned a corner, and the work load has near doubled.  Between mass memorization of muscles and parasites, endless paperwork and e-mails for my work in Haiti, scheduling appearances for Miss Moses Lake, and making time for all the other little things I do, saying life is a little overwhelming some days might be an understatement.

On campus, our classes are held in two rooms: the cadaver lab and a room my class lovingly calls "the dungeon" (a windowless room in the basement), making it easy to forget about life outside during these long days and weeks.  So this afternoon, when I was in the middle of replying to about my dozenth business related e-mail, my friend and classmate Jackie approaches and tells me that I need to put it down.  Confused at first, I looked at her, and she explained in a matter of fact way that I was going on a "10 minute" walk with her.  So we left the classroom behind, and, after first being blinded by the beautiful sunlight (say what, SUN!?!), we wandered down to the river across the street.

 What we found across the street, though, was more than just a river; there was LIFE!  Life outside of dead bodies and endless e-mails and frustrating lectures and sleepless nights!  There were birds chirping, beautiful blossoms on the trees, rocks to be skipped across the rushing river, and a warmth not just from the sun, but from the company of a good friend.

Perhaps needless to say, that "10 minute" walk turned into a nearly hour long stroll, but it was so very worth it!  It reminded me that so many of us live life for the next step: I am working hard in medical school so that I can get into a good residency, and there will only work for the next step, and so on.  But it is so very important to enjoy the life that we are living WHEN we are living it....RIGHT NOW!

I challenge you to take a moment today in order to recognize and appreciate both your physical surroundings and the wonderful people in your life who help make life just a little happier :).

Genesis 1:20-22  And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

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