Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring Forum

OH MY, what a fun-filled and full Spring Forum weekend!!

For those not familiar, Spring Forum is the one time prior to Miss Washington week in which all of the contestants running for Miss Washington come together.  This weekend, the 22 local Miss America titleholders came together in Renton for three days of seminars and private meetings in order to bond as “sister titleholders”, and to grow as representatives of ourselves, communities and state.  But while I learned a lot, more than anything I walked away with a greater appreciation and love for the beautiful women I have the opportunity of walking this path with, making it one fantastic weekend!
The local titleholders with Miss Washington (you can click to make bigger).

For a taste of the weekend: on Friday all of the contestants had their official headshots taken, turned in their mass amounts of paperwork for Miss Washington, and had workshops on customer service, “hair made simple”, media interaction, healthy living, and social media.  That night, all of the contestants and the current Miss Washington, Brittney Henry, gathered in one room for a “pajama party” and down to earth chat.  On Saturday, the famous Don Baker gave a talk on interview prep and “presence”, Miss Washington gave a talk on her year of service and the inspiring growth she has undergone as a person, and we drew contestant numbers (I will be contestant #5) and roommates for Miss Washington week (I will be rooming with Miss Seattle, Jean-Sun!). 

One of the gentlemen I had dessert with.
Saturday evening was easily the highlight of the weekend, though!  We were each to bring a dessert (thank you, Lisa, for helping me out so that I could focus on my studies!), and then took turns selling our dessert and the opportunity to eat it with each of us, to the restaurant full of Miss Washington supporters and every day restaurant patrons.  It was great, and in the end the top bidder on my individual cheesecakes, and the opportunity to eat them with me, was a group of guys in the bar.  The three guys were previously completely oblivious to Miss Washington and the Miss America Organization, and I had a hoot eating with them, and answering their many questions about the program and about myself.  Interestingly, one of the three is currently running for the House of Representatives!   At the end of our dessert together, the group’s two descriptive words of me were: adorable and articulate.  Hahaha!  I’ll take it!!  After dessert, we all had a great time with karaoke, and I event got in a couple songs of background singing and dancing!

Team "I Can't Believe Its Not Gutter!"
Sunday morning we all headed to Seattle for a bowling tournament to sponsor the Children’s Miracle Network.  I could not possibly be more appreciative of the three guys who came out to support me and Children’s Miracle Network!  Thank you Brad, Justin and Jonny for being a part of team “I can’t Believe Its Not Gutter”!  I owe you guys one!!  And thank you Bev, director of Miss Spokane, for stepping in as an amazing part of the team at the last minute!  We had a great time, and again, I could not be more appreciative of how patient, supportive and fun everyone was!  Oh, and congrats to Brad, the winner of our game!!
Congratulations to Brad!!

But Brad, just for the record, this how REAL winners bowl ;).

Of course, throughout the majority of the weekend my mind was largely elsewhere: final exams.  Every chance I got, I escaped to a private corner in order to open my books, having to miss out on a number of fun opportunities.  BUT, in the end, it all paid off because….I PASSED NEUROLOGY!!!!!  

Now, only one last final to pass before my first year of medical school can be considered officially over.  My Infectious Diseases final is on Thursday, and it promises to be perhaps the most difficult of all.  Prayers are appreciated!  Until then, I go back "underground" for an intense 48 hours of studying!  See you on the other side of this insanity!!

 Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

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