Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen 2012 is…

This last weekend, 27 fabulous young ladies from across the state competed for the title of Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen 2012.  Unfortunately, in order to be a part of Moses Lake’s biggest night of the year (Saturday of Spring Festival), I had to miss the first night of competition in which all 27 ladies competed in the preliminary competition.  As I could not be there for her, I had spent quite a while writing a letter to Miss Moses Lake’s Outstanding Teen, Erin Carter, to be delivered to her before the preliminary competition.  In the letter, I let her know just how proud I was of her, told her how certain I was that she would make herself, community and Lord proud with her presentation, and reminded her that the Lord had her in his hands and was in that auditorium as her biggest fan. 

But while I could not be there Saturday, on Sunday I eagerly made my way to Seattle for the final night of competition in which the top 10 competed for the state title!

After reuniting with the other “Miss” contestants, we all took our seats in the front corner, and shortly after, the house lights dimmed, show lights began to flash, and a deep, theatrical voice came overhead with a “Ladies and Gentlemen….”  In that moment, I think nearly every person in the theater had goose bumps, but probably few had as many as the Miss contestants in the front corner: the excitement that awaits us in just over a month at the Miss Washington contest, had suddenly become very real.

After some heavy anticipation with lights and announcements, the curtains parted with the opening dance number…and there they were!  All 27 beautiful young ladies!!

I very literally began to tear up as I watched my lady, Erin, dance with confidence, beauty and grace.  After the music died down, the ladies awaited the announcement of their contestant number and name, and each walked to the center of the stage to wave on their introductory cue.  But when Erin got to the center, instead of waving, she turned and looked square at me and blew a kiss.  I became even more teary eyed, and all the Miss contestants turned to smile at me as I screamed and waved in response.  There was MY girl!!!!  As beautiful as ever and making me proud as could be!

After a great first half with fitness and talent, there was an intermission, followed by second half with evening gown, on-stage question and results.  It is custom for the visiting royalty to be introduced at the opening of the 2nd half, and as I waited backstage, I got to watch once again as Erin danced as part of the 2nd half opener.  As she walked off stage, I called her over and gave her the biggest hug of her life.  While words cannot explain how proud I am, I attempted to tell her as I held her tight.  We both teared up a bit, and she let me know how much it meant to her that I was there and that my letter had made her cry.  As some of the other Miss contestants watched on, a couple got teary eyed themselves watching Erin and my exchange.  Simply put, I LOVE this girl, and wish she could know just how proud she made me that night!  Truly, a lady who defines beauty inside and out, and who has grown enormous amounts in the last few months!

With the beautiful Miss Moses Lake's Outstanding Teen, Erin Carter!!

In the end, 10 incredibly impressive ladies competed in the final night, and a few truly deserving ladies took the top slots.  A past Miss Moses Lake’s Outstanding Teen, and the current Miss Columbia Basin’s Oustanding Teen, McKenna Reis, took 2nd runner up.  KcKenna graced evening gown better than any teen contestant I have ever seen, and made an absolutely breathtaking statement through her presence all night. 

First runner up went to Allison Arthur, Miss Auburn’s Outstanding Teen.  As the Miss Auburn program is brand new, it is incredibly impressive to already have one of their title holders place so well!  Congratulations to the Miss Auburn program!

And the winner?  A huge Congratulations goes to Miss Tri-Cities Outstanding Teen, Janae Calaway….our new Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen!!  By all accounts, she is someone the young individuals across our great state can look up to as a role model, and be excited to have as their representative!

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