Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen 2012 is…

This last weekend, 27 fabulous young ladies from across the state competed for the title of Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen 2012.  Unfortunately, in order to be a part of Moses Lake’s biggest night of the year (Saturday of Spring Festival), I had to miss the first night of competition in which all 27 ladies competed in the preliminary competition.  As I could not be there for her, I had spent quite a while writing a letter to Miss Moses Lake’s Outstanding Teen, Erin Carter, to be delivered to her before the preliminary competition.  In the letter, I let her know just how proud I was of her, told her how certain I was that she would make herself, community and Lord proud with her presentation, and reminded her that the Lord had her in his hands and was in that auditorium as her biggest fan. 

But while I could not be there Saturday, on Sunday I eagerly made my way to Seattle for the final night of competition in which the top 10 competed for the state title!

After reuniting with the other “Miss” contestants, we all took our seats in the front corner, and shortly after, the house lights dimmed, show lights began to flash, and a deep, theatrical voice came overhead with a “Ladies and Gentlemen….”  In that moment, I think nearly every person in the theater had goose bumps, but probably few had as many as the Miss contestants in the front corner: the excitement that awaits us in just over a month at the Miss Washington contest, had suddenly become very real.

After some heavy anticipation with lights and announcements, the curtains parted with the opening dance number…and there they were!  All 27 beautiful young ladies!!

I very literally began to tear up as I watched my lady, Erin, dance with confidence, beauty and grace.  After the music died down, the ladies awaited the announcement of their contestant number and name, and each walked to the center of the stage to wave on their introductory cue.  But when Erin got to the center, instead of waving, she turned and looked square at me and blew a kiss.  I became even more teary eyed, and all the Miss contestants turned to smile at me as I screamed and waved in response.  There was MY girl!!!!  As beautiful as ever and making me proud as could be!

After a great first half with fitness and talent, there was an intermission, followed by second half with evening gown, on-stage question and results.  It is custom for the visiting royalty to be introduced at the opening of the 2nd half, and as I waited backstage, I got to watch once again as Erin danced as part of the 2nd half opener.  As she walked off stage, I called her over and gave her the biggest hug of her life.  While words cannot explain how proud I am, I attempted to tell her as I held her tight.  We both teared up a bit, and she let me know how much it meant to her that I was there and that my letter had made her cry.  As some of the other Miss contestants watched on, a couple got teary eyed themselves watching Erin and my exchange.  Simply put, I LOVE this girl, and wish she could know just how proud she made me that night!  Truly, a lady who defines beauty inside and out, and who has grown enormous amounts in the last few months!

With the beautiful Miss Moses Lake's Outstanding Teen, Erin Carter!!

In the end, 10 incredibly impressive ladies competed in the final night, and a few truly deserving ladies took the top slots.  A past Miss Moses Lake’s Outstanding Teen, and the current Miss Columbia Basin’s Oustanding Teen, McKenna Reis, took 2nd runner up.  KcKenna graced evening gown better than any teen contestant I have ever seen, and made an absolutely breathtaking statement through her presence all night. 

First runner up went to Allison Arthur, Miss Auburn’s Outstanding Teen.  As the Miss Auburn program is brand new, it is incredibly impressive to already have one of their title holders place so well!  Congratulations to the Miss Auburn program!

And the winner?  A huge Congratulations goes to Miss Tri-Cities Outstanding Teen, Janae Calaway….our new Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen!!  By all accounts, she is someone the young individuals across our great state can look up to as a role model, and be excited to have as their representative!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spring Festival!!

Before being crowned, in imagining the role of Miss Moses Lake, most all of my images were of the opportunities afforded her during Moses Lake’s biggest event of the year: Spring Festival on Memorial Day Weekend.  This weekend, all of my hopes for and images of the weekend, were beyond filled.  What an absolutely blessed couple days, filled with opportunities and experiences beyond anything I could have hoped for!

Spring Festival began for me on Friday evening.  I jotted over to the Parks and Recreation office to pick up my race number and packet for Saturday morning’s fun run, and received quite the welcoming in my crown and sash.  The room stopped and excitement filled the air as they learned that I would indeed be running the race, and asked if I would be willing to wear my crown and sash during.  After agreeing and being presented my race number, I headed over to the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.  There, I cheered on a few of the local teams, spoke with a radio announcer and reporter about the Miss America Organization and my work in connecting local classrooms with the impoverished world, and painted my hand blue as part of Blue Palm’s frozen yogurt give away.

"Blue Palm"ing it up for free frozen yogurt from Moses Lake's Blue Palm!

Next up was the lip sync concert.  Moses Lake’s lip sync concert is one of the town’s biggest events of the year, and draws an audience of roughly 1,000 to watch as local groups try to out-compete one another in dancing and lip syncing to music of the 80’s and 90’s.  The groups this year were phenomenal, and in the end, a group of three high school girls were named the winners and walked away with $400.  In the process of the event, however, they called for an impromptu race for the first one to make it to the stage with a penny from 1992.  I reached into my wallet, and completely by chance, the first penny my fingers grasped was from 1992.  I handed it to the sweet, young boy in front of me (who had just won a few minutes earlier with a quarter from the 1980’s) and I told him to “RUN!!!”  A few minutes later, I was being awarded an all access pass to the carnival rides!

At the lip sync concert.

After the lip sync concert, I joined a few friends and wandered through the Spring Festival’s many fabulous food vendors and carnival rides and games, taking in the sights, sounds….and tastes!!

I love funnel cake!!!  (PROBABLY, not the best Miss Washington prep though ;). )

Saturday morning started bright and early, with an 8:10 am start to the 5K fun run.  With a lot of hairspray, bobby pins and prayer, I managed to keep the crown on top of my head with no problem, and crossed the finished line roughly half an hour later, side by side with my good friend, Tashauna.  As I crossed the finish line, it was announced over the loud speaker that the local royalty had just finished, and I had a great time smiling an exhausted smile in response, and explained that I was there to support health and fitness in the community.

After the Spring Festival 5K Fun Run!  Thank you to my running buddy, Tashauna!!

After cheering on the remaining finishers through the finish line, I rushed home to freshen up, and returned back downtown to the Miss Moses Lake food booth.  There, waiting for me, were several of my gorgeous “Little Sisters” (part of the Miss Moses Lake mentoring program) with adoring smiles, their families, and two of the ladies I had competed with for the Miss Moses Lake title: Shaudai and Angie.  The support of all of these individuals means so much to me, but more than anything, I cannot explain the gratitude and emotion I feel behind the continued support of Shaudai and Angie.  It would be incredibly difficult to watch the person you competed against walk around with the crown and sash, smiling and signing autographs, and these two ladies’ graciousness, generosity of time, and expressed love and encouragement, means more than words can say.

The next several hours were filled with acting as a trophy girl for the car show, presenting medals for the 3 on 3 basketball tournament, signing autographs, posing for pictures, interviewing with radio announcers and giving hugs to children.  It is amazing how much it can mean to young children for me to simply show up to their band concert in the park, and afterwards give a few words of encouragement for their pursuit of music.  I am so very blessed to be in the position of providing such inspiration, and I only pray I can provide nothing but positive encouragement.

Trophy Girl at the Car Show.
With two of the Little Sisters and speaking with announcer Donny Parker.
A hug just because!
Handing out gold medals for the 3 on 3 basketball tournament.

Finally, it was time to go get ready for my single biggest presentation to my hometown community: the Moonlight Parade.  A quick change, make-up application and hair-fixing later, I was back downtown for the royalty barbecue where I met nearly 100 royalty from all over the state.  As Miss Moses Lake, I felt the overwhelming pride of “this is my town and my time to shine!”  After meeting up again with the Little Sisters on their float, and greeting the driver of my convertible, at 9 pm we were finally rolling into the parade.  And for the next hour I was on Cloud 9 as I sat atop the incredible 1928 convertible, my precious 4 year old “Little Sister” next to me, and did the “elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist”. 
With the Miss Moses Lake Little Sisters

With Mrs. Washington in front of my 1928 convertible for the evening.

The streets lined with a couple thousand individuals, on multiple corners I received standing ovations, hundreds of times I heard “Look!!  There’s Miss Moses Lake!!!!”, and several dozen times I overheard “Wow!  She’s gorgeous!!”  Not a single rude gesture was made or word heard, and the overall reception and feeling was one beyond description.  Thank you, Moses Lake, for your humbling acceptance of me as your representative!

With my escort and Little Sister atop our carriage!

Through all of this activity, was the amazing support of so many individuals.  A huge thank you goes to Miss Moses Lake volunteers Eloisa and Lydia, for their many, many hours put into making this weekend’s activities possible.  A huge thank you to Jessica Mata for the sharing of her daughter, my own personal “Little Sister” Bella, with me.  And more gratitude than can be expressed to my dear friend, Tashauna, for her patience and graciousness in spending the weekend with me as my friend, personal assistant and body guard.  Tashauana, no-one could have better kept me safe, sane and smiling.  I love you lady!

I am now headed to the west side of the state to cheer on two of Moses Lake’s star young ladies, Miss Moses Lake’s Outstanding Teen, Erin Carter, and Miss Columbia Basin’s Outstanding Teen, McKenna Reis, as they compete for the title of Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And Summer is ON!!!

And the fun is on!!  Classes are done, and nothing is to stop me from spending my days living, loving and laughing!!

Saturday, May 12th: I spent the morning with the Miss Spokane Scholarship Organization at the Junior Lilac Parade and children's fair.  The funny thing?  When I showed up to "volunteer with" the Miss Spokane gang on Saturday morning, I had no idea that I was about to be part of a parade.  I went to the corner they said to meet them at, in a "spring dress"....and oi ve!....people are lining up for a parade!  OH!  Okay!  Sounds fun!  Let's do it!  And there we went....more people were along the parade route than I will likely see again at one time through the rest of my reign.  And I didn't even know it was going to happen!  Hehehe.  I got to walk the parade route, and had fun running up to a few excited young children to give them hugs and high fives along the way.  I even saw a few people I know from soccer and church in Spokane!  I am so very appreciative to the Miss Spokane Scholarship Organization for including me in their special day!

Fighting over Boomers with Miss Evergreen and Miss Inland Empire.
With Shock, the Spokane Hockey Team mascot at the Children's Fair!

After the parade, Miss Evergreen, Ramya Ramanathan, and I loaded up my car and hit the road for Seattle.  BUT....along the way, OF COURSE we had to stop in Moses Lake to love on my nephews and refuel with some Starbucks!!

With Ramya in Moses Lake!
And if you want a hilarious peek at Ramya and my fun on the road:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uePM7YxbwwU

Sunday, May 13th:  I woke up at 5 am (YAWN!!!) in order to be in downtown Seattle ready to go at 6:30 am.  WHY?  For the Color Run!  The Color Run is a 5K run that benefits the Ronald McDonald House...BUT, there's a twist!  Along every kilometer of the race, a different colored powder is thrown onto the white-clad runners.  I joined forces with Miss Liberty (Salina), Miss Seattle (Jean Sun) and Miss Evergreen (Ramya), and volunteered as a color thrower on the yellow team.  And OH. MY. GOODNESS we had fun!

....And After!!
 I have spent the last week and a half working in the Moses Lake schools promoting community service and academics.  Just as an example, tomorrow I head to Frontier Middle School to fly some precisely engineered bottle rockets.  Yes, I know....rough work ;).  And when I am not in the schools?  Preparing for Miss Washington and loving, loving, loving on my two wonderful nephews that I am THRILLED to be in the same town as again!

With my two precious nephews!!

Psalm 139:16  ...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Oh my goodness gracious!  What a whirlwind the last couple weeks have been!!

Last week I had what seemed to be final after final, with my final final ;), Infectious Diseases, having taken place last Thursday morning.  The exam marked the end of my first year of medical school, and afterward, it was time to celebrate!!

The class reacts at "The Roast" in our usual classroom.
Immediately after the exam, all 20 students, and a handful of the faculty, had a barbecue, followed by what we called “The Roast”.  The Roast was a gathering that took place behind closed doors, during which the director of the program went through student by student and dished on them the “dirt” (often humorous things they have done or been known for over the year) he had been given by other students and faculty, and then finished with giving each student a gag gift that went along with the “dirt” on them.  The whole room laughed hysterically as everyone proclaimed things akin to “oh YEAH!” and “that’s SO TRUE!!!” for each student’s “dirt”.  My dirt included the naming me as best dressed of the year, the most public face of the program (via the public speaking and media attention/awards I have received), the joke that my severe peanut allergy was a great way to get me out of class, and:

When poked fun of for my peanut allergy. :)
                “But the accomplishment that puts Analiesse into a category all her own, she may be the only WWAMI student ever to win a pageant during medical school!!  In honor of this great, and most unusual of, accomplishments, we have our very own WWAMI tiara!”

…and thus, I was named WWAMI Queen.
Instructor Katerine and I with our tiaras (my WWAMI tiara from "The Roast").

                After "The Roast", 19 of the 20 students all went out to celebrate with dinner and a celebratory toast - and what a truly FANTASTIC evening shared with fantastic people!  The next day was filled with much of the same….official ceremonies and informal celebrations after.  And while most of my classmates stuck around for another day (or few) of celebrations with one another, I hit the road, eager to turn the page on this chapter of life and move on to the next.

With Dr. Novan, one of my faculty mentors for the year, after the end of year ceremony.

                You see, while most wish to revel in the memories and accomplishment of completion, it has been a most painful and difficult year for me.  I do not wish to stick around and reflect, but wish to push on!  For the next two months, I am not a medical student, but I am Miss Moses Lake to my community and state, Auntie to my nephews, Friend to those who surround me, and Dr. Haiti when I leave for Haiti in three weeks!  Onward to new opportunities, new friends, and new memories!

                And my goodness, what a busy first week of summer it has been!!  I will write on the last week's many happenings in the next couple days!

 Philippians 3:13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring Forum

OH MY, what a fun-filled and full Spring Forum weekend!!

For those not familiar, Spring Forum is the one time prior to Miss Washington week in which all of the contestants running for Miss Washington come together.  This weekend, the 22 local Miss America titleholders came together in Renton for three days of seminars and private meetings in order to bond as “sister titleholders”, and to grow as representatives of ourselves, communities and state.  But while I learned a lot, more than anything I walked away with a greater appreciation and love for the beautiful women I have the opportunity of walking this path with, making it one fantastic weekend!
The local titleholders with Miss Washington (you can click to make bigger).

For a taste of the weekend: on Friday all of the contestants had their official headshots taken, turned in their mass amounts of paperwork for Miss Washington, and had workshops on customer service, “hair made simple”, media interaction, healthy living, and social media.  That night, all of the contestants and the current Miss Washington, Brittney Henry, gathered in one room for a “pajama party” and down to earth chat.  On Saturday, the famous Don Baker gave a talk on interview prep and “presence”, Miss Washington gave a talk on her year of service and the inspiring growth she has undergone as a person, and we drew contestant numbers (I will be contestant #5) and roommates for Miss Washington week (I will be rooming with Miss Seattle, Jean-Sun!). 

One of the gentlemen I had dessert with.
Saturday evening was easily the highlight of the weekend, though!  We were each to bring a dessert (thank you, Lisa, for helping me out so that I could focus on my studies!), and then took turns selling our dessert and the opportunity to eat it with each of us, to the restaurant full of Miss Washington supporters and every day restaurant patrons.  It was great, and in the end the top bidder on my individual cheesecakes, and the opportunity to eat them with me, was a group of guys in the bar.  The three guys were previously completely oblivious to Miss Washington and the Miss America Organization, and I had a hoot eating with them, and answering their many questions about the program and about myself.  Interestingly, one of the three is currently running for the House of Representatives!   At the end of our dessert together, the group’s two descriptive words of me were: adorable and articulate.  Hahaha!  I’ll take it!!  After dessert, we all had a great time with karaoke, and I event got in a couple songs of background singing and dancing!

Team "I Can't Believe Its Not Gutter!"
Sunday morning we all headed to Seattle for a bowling tournament to sponsor the Children’s Miracle Network.  I could not possibly be more appreciative of the three guys who came out to support me and Children’s Miracle Network!  Thank you Brad, Justin and Jonny for being a part of team “I can’t Believe Its Not Gutter”!  I owe you guys one!!  And thank you Bev, director of Miss Spokane, for stepping in as an amazing part of the team at the last minute!  We had a great time, and again, I could not be more appreciative of how patient, supportive and fun everyone was!  Oh, and congrats to Brad, the winner of our game!!
Congratulations to Brad!!

But Brad, just for the record, this how REAL winners bowl ;).

Of course, throughout the majority of the weekend my mind was largely elsewhere: final exams.  Every chance I got, I escaped to a private corner in order to open my books, having to miss out on a number of fun opportunities.  BUT, in the end, it all paid off because….I PASSED NEUROLOGY!!!!!  

Now, only one last final to pass before my first year of medical school can be considered officially over.  My Infectious Diseases final is on Thursday, and it promises to be perhaps the most difficult of all.  Prayers are appreciated!  Until then, I go back "underground" for an intense 48 hours of studying!  See you on the other side of this insanity!!

 Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."